In the early part of the 1900s, Lithuanians were fleeing their homeland to escape:
Russian Communist oppression
service into Russia’s Red Army
exile to Siberian work camps
even death itself.
The majority were in their late teens and early twenties, and their parents told them to flee wanting a better life for them. Many came to America.
Founded in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1913, the Knights of Lithuania originally brought the Lithuanian-American youth across the United States together to help carry on their Lithuanian language, culture, traditions, and religion. Councils were started in cities where there were a high concentration of Lithuanians, and where there was a Lithuanian Catholic community who decided to build a Catholic church. The Pastor, usually Lithuanian, called the Spiritual Advisor, headed up the Council.
After Lithuania’s independence from Russia in 1991, the K of L has evolved into more of a family organization. Non-Lithuanian spouses of members were accepted for membership as an Associate. Auxiliary members, those that were non-Lithuanian and not Catholic, were then welcomed into the organization. With Lithuanian churches closing and the clustering of churches in many Dioceses around the country, a Spiritual Advisor is now often non-Lithuanian. But the Catholic tradition, as well as the Lithuanian traditions, language, customs and culture are still practiced in the organization.

The Knights of Lithuania is a nationwide organization of Roman Catholic men, women and children of Lithuanian ancestry and friends of Lithuania. The organization's motto is “For God and Country.” The purpose of the Knights is to keep the Lithuanian language, customs, and culture alive, which includes the Roman Catholic tradition.
Members participate in English at local and district meetings, and attend presentations and events that celebrate the culture. A national convention is usually hosted by one of the councils.

Holiday Celebration 2023
C-158 Michigan City, IN
On the local level are the Councils. This is where the fun and camaraderie begins! We have meetings, dinners, dances, outings, cocktail parties, cultural events, etc.
If you do not see a Council in your city, email us - we’ll figure out which one is the closest.
If you are interested in starting a new Council in your city, please email us at:
and we can get you the information and support needed to get you started.
Amber District
C-3 Philadelphia, PA
C-19 Pittsburgh, PA
C-46 Forest City/ Scranton, PA
C-72 Binghamton, NY
C-143 Pittston, PA
Mid-Atlantic District
C-12 New York, NY
C-90 Kearny, NJ
C-110 Maspeth, NY
Mid-America District
C-5 Chicago, IL
C-16 Chicago, IL
C-36 Chicago, IL
C-38 Kenosha, WI
C-82 Gary, IN
C-96 Dayton, OH
C-102 Detroit, MI
C-112 Chicago, IL
C-133 Los Angeles, CA
C-157 Lemont, IL
C-158 Lakeshore, IN
New England District
C-1 Brockton, MA
C-6 Hartford, CT
C-10 Athol-Gardner-Worcester, MA
C-27 Norwood, MA
C-30 Westfield, MA
C-78 Lawrence, MA
C-141 Bridgeport, CT
Click once to go to the website of the councils with the council, number and city name underlined!

Amber District members in attendance at the 110th National Convention
There are four districts in the United States:
1) Amber District—covers eastern Pennsylvania and western New York
2) Mid-America District—spans Illinois, Indiana and the western part of the U.S.
3) Mid-Atlantic District—includes New York City, Long Island, and New Jersey
4) New England District—includes Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island

Our Supreme Council for 2024-25
Front, sitting, left to right: The Knights of Lithuania Foundation President & Mid-America District President, Aldona Zajauskas, C-16; Our Lady of Siluva Fund President & Mid-Atlantic President, the late Elena Nakrosis, HM, C-90; President, Marytė Bizankauskas, C- 1; Trustee, Catherine Nakrosis, HM, C-90
Standing, left to right: Financial Secretary, Marlene Warren, C-7; Recording Secretary, Vytenis Senuta, C-1; Spiritual Director, Rev. Audrius Arstikaitis, Rector of the Pontifical College in Rome, Italy; Amber District President, Barbara Miller, HM, C-72; Public Relations Chair, Laura Kush, C-133; Trustee, Michael Petkus, C-96; Vice-President, Rita Johnson, C-19; Webmaster & Facebook Group Administrator, Pamela Gardner, C-72; Treasurer, Deb Martin-Rudmin, C-16; Our Lady of Siluva Fund President & New England President, David Boucher, C-78
Archives, Norma Petkus, C-96
Honorary Member Chair, Irene Ozalis, HM, C-3
Lithuanian Affairs, Culture & Language Chair, J. Birutė Litvinas, C-72
Legal Advisor, Alexander Domanskis, C-16
Ritual Chair, Thomas Miller, C-72
Scholarship Chair, Annamarie Berger, C-96
St. Casimir Guild, Inc. President & Vytis Editor, Robert Martin, Jr., HM, C-16
Vytis Business Editor, Mary Beth Slakis, C-16

The Archives
The Knights of Lithuania Archives are housed at the University of Dayton under the U.S. Catholic Special Collections.
After the 2000’s, Dayton Knights, especially the Petkus family, packed up over 100 boxes that were in the basement of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Convent in Putnam, Connecticut.
They brought everything to Ohio, and arranged for them to be incorporated into the University’s Special Collections.
To do a search yourself, go to: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/uscc/.
Type in “Knights of Lithuania” under ENTER SEARCH TERMS. Add other words to find an exact search.
For more extensive research or to put in an inquiry, please send a detailed email to: uscatholiccollection@udayton.edu.