The Knights of Lithuania Scholarship Program is intended to help a worthy and deserving Knight obtain a college education. Applicants must be a member of the organization for at least two years in order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship award. (This will be verified with the National Financial Secretary.) The Scholarship Program is intended to be a stimulus for young Lithuanian-Americans to join and be active in our organization. 

Service to the Knights of Lithuania organization is of prime importance to be considered for this award.  Scholarships are awarded annually and are paid to the recipients in two installments. Applications must be complete (e.g., photo, transcript, recommendations, etc) to be considered by the Scholarship Committee. 

PLEASE NOTE: Applicants may apply for a scholarship more than once; however an applicant may only be awarded a scholarship three times.

There are various scholarships available with individual amounts decided upon by vote of the Scholarship Committee each year. 

Each applicant is responsible for completing the application and securing entrance to the college of his/her choice. If the recipient of an award drops out of college, or if his/her academic standing becomes unsatisfactory to the college, the unexpended balance of the award may be forfeited at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.   

Scholarship awards may be made to a person for undergraduate or graduate work. There is no age limitation. Organizational activity within the Knights of Lithuania is one of the most important criteria for obtaining a scholarship along with the following requirements and stipulations:   

An applicant will be scored based on recommendations made by his/her:

1) Council President or Council 3rd Vice President

2) Spiritual Advisor or Pastor

3) Former Teacher

4) Character Reference.

Applicants will be evaluated based on their scholastic records, financial need, and most importantly, K of L involvement. The Scholarship Committee will carefully study the applications. Decisions of the committee are final.

Recipients of the Scholarship Awards will be announced at the National Convention of the Knights of Lithuania.

To make a donation to the Scholarship Fund, please make your check out to “Lithuanian Charities” adding “Scholarship Fund” in the Memo line, and send it to:

Annamarie Berger

Committee Chair

c/o Knights of Lithuania Scholarship

109 Wunderwood Drive

Tipp City, OH 45371

2023 Scholarship Winners