The St. Casimir Guild, Inc. is dedicated to the support of the Lithuanian Pontifical College of St. Casimir in Rome, Italy.

The Guild sponsors three programs:

~ Collection of donations for a general endowment fund administered by the College's rector.

~ Obtaining Mass stipends for the support of Lithuanian priests studying in Rome.

~ The coordination of the program of "adopting" seminarians from Lithuania by providing regular contributions for their non-academic needs.

Additional note concerning the Lithuanian Pontifical College of St. Casimir in Rome:  The College also maintains a small hotel located on their grounds.  For additional information about staying there during your next visit to Rome, please contact them directly at Villa Lithuania.

The St. Casimir’s Guild is a 501C-3 Charity.

To make a tax-deductible donation, please make your check out to “Lithuanian Charities,” adding “Casimir’s Guild in the Memo line, and send it to:

Robert A. Martin, Jr., HM - President

3420 South Lituanica Avenue, Chicago, IL 60608-6720

1.312.771.7432 (Please leave a detailed message.)

Mass Requests

Sympathy Mass Card Samples

IMPORTANT: After submitting your Mass Intention requests, you can use the DONATE box above to send your total contribution through PayPal for Masses. At least $10 a Mass is suggested.

St. Casimir is the patron saint of Lithuania and its youth. For more information about his life, go to :

About St. Casimir


St. Casimir, powerful protector, who has obtained for us the happiness of becoming your children, we place ourselves entirely under your protection and renew with all our hears the promises we made to God on the day of our dedication. We beseech you to grant us the love of Jesus, that we may endeavor to follow Him, as you did, in poverty, humility and suffering. Obtain for us the love of our Immaculate Mother Mary, that we may through her seek abandoned souls. St. Casimir, show that you are our father; obtain for us the grace to follow your example, to become your worthy children and to remain faithful until death. Amen.



Lord, have mercy on us.    

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.

          Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven,

            Have mercy on us.

God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God, the Holy Spirit,

Holy Trinity, One God,

Holy Mary,

            Pray for us.

Holy Mother of God,

Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.

St. Casimir, Prince of Lithuania,

St. Casimir, example of angelic devotion,

St. Casimir, lover of God,

St. Casimir, zealous visitor of the House of God,

St. Casimir, adorer of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament,

St. Casimir, splendor of the Church,

St. Casimir, light burning in the House of God,

St. Casimir, faithful venerator of Mary,

St. Casimir, dwelling place of holy virtues,

St. Casimir, lily of purity,

St. Casimir, renouncer of earthly glory,

St. Casimir, example to the powerful of the world,

St. Casimir, example of penance and self-motivation,

St. Casimir, example of patience and kindness,

St. Casimir, promoter of fraternal love,

St. Casimir, model of truthfulness,

St. Casimir, teacher of goodness and generosity,

St. Casimir, restorer of health,

St. Casimir, protector in dangers,

St. Casimir, father of orphans and the poor,

St. Casimir, help of the dying,

St. Casimir, miraculous reviver of the dead,

St. Casimir, defender and propagator of the faith,

St, Casimir, conquer of enemies,

St. Casimir, comforter of the oppressed,

St. Casimir, great patron of Lithuania,

St. Casimir, model of Catholic youth,


Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,

            Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,

            Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

            Have mercy on us.



Viešpatie, pasigailėk mūsų.

Kristau, pasigailėk mūsų.

Viešpatie, pasigailėk mūsų.

Kristau, išklausyk mus.

Kristau, maloningai išklausyk mus.

Dievas dangaus Tėvas,

Pasigailėk mūsų.

Dievas, Sūnus, pasaulio Atpirkėjas,

Dieve, Šventoji Dvasia,

Šventoji Trejybė, vienas Dievas,

Šventoji Marija,

Melskis už mus.

Šventoji Dievo Motina,

Mergelių Šventoji Mergele, melski už mus.

Kazimiero, Lietuvos kunigaikščio šv.

Šventasis Kazimieras, angeliškojo atsidavimo pavyzdys,

Šventasis Kazimieras, Dievo mylėtojas,

Šventasis Kazimieras, uolus Dievo namų lankytojas,

Kazimieras, Kristaus garbintojas Švenčiausiajame Sakramente, šv.

Kazimieras, bažnyčios spindesys, šv.

Šventasis Kazimieras, dega Dievo namuose šviesa,

Šventasis Kazimieras, ištikimasis Marijos garbintojas,

Šv. Kazimieras, šventų dorybių buveinė,

Šv. Kazimieras, tyrumo lelija, Šventasis Kazimieras, išsižadėjęs žemiškos šlovės,

Šventasis Kazimieras, pavyzdys pasaulio galingiesiems,

Šventasis Kazimieras, atgailos ir savimotyvacijos pavyzdys,

Šventasis Kazimieras, kantrybės ir gerumo pavyzdys,

Šventasis Kazimieras, broliškos meilės propaguotojas, šv.

Šventasis Kazimieras, tiesos pavyzdys,

Šventasis Kazimieras, gerumo ir dosnumo mokytojas,

Kazimieras, sveikatos grąžintojas, šv.

Šventasis Kazimieras, gynėjas pavojuje,

Šventasis Kazimieras, našlaičių ir vargšų tėvas,

Šventasis Kazimierai, mirštančiųjų pagalba,

Šventasis Kazimieras, stebuklingas mirusiųjų gaivintojas,

Kazimieras, tikėjimo gynėjas ir skleidėjas, šv.

Šventasis Kazimierai, nugalėk priešus,

Šventasis Kazimieras, prispaustųjų guodėjas,

Kazimieras, didysis Lietuvos globėjas, šv.

Kazimieras, katalikiškojo jaunimo modelis, šv.

Dievo Avinėlis, kuris naikini pasaulio nuodėmes,

Pasigailėk mūsų, Viešpatie.

Dievo Avinėlis, kuris naikini pasaulio nuodėmes,

Maloningai išklausyk mus, Viešpatie.

Dievo Avinėlis, kuris naikini pasaulio nuodėmes,

Pasigailėk mūsų.